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The Big smiles blog archive

Why you need functional dental care before cosmetic dental treatment

by Data update User | Jan 29, 2025

Cosmetic dental treatments are an excellent way to unlock your smile confidence, whether through teeth whitening, dental veneers, composite bonding or other treatments. But before you commit to a smile transformation, it’s vital you ensure your teeth and gums are in optimal health. That’s where functional dental care comes in. 

Functional dental care forms the foundation for achieving long-lasting, successful results in cosmetic treatments. In this blog, we’ll explore what functional dentistry is, how it differs from cosmetic dentistry and why addressing oral health concerns is essential before you begin cosmetic treatment. 

What is functional dentistry? 

Functional dentistry focuses on maintaining and restoring the health, strength and proper function of your teeth and gums. It addresses oral health issues like cavities, gum disease, misaligned teeth and damaged enamel to ensure that your oral health is in good condition. The aim is to create a strong foundation that supports overall oral health and enables other treatments, such as cosmetic dentistry, to deliver their best results. 

Functional vs cosmetic dentistry – what’s the difference?  

While functional dentistry prioritises oral health and functionality, cosmetic dentistry focuses on enhancing the appearance of your smile. Here’s a quick comparison: 

  • Functional Dentistry: Includes treatments like fillings, root canals, gum disease management and tooth replacement to restore health and function. 

  • Cosmetic Dentistry: Includes treatments like veneers, composite bonding, teeth straightening and teeth whitening to improve the aesthetic appearance of your teeth. 

Although they have different goals, functional and cosmetic dentistry often work hand in hand. Addressing functional concerns first ensures that cosmetic enhancements are long-lasting and effective. 

Why is functional dental care important? 

Cosmetic dental treatments are designed to improve the appearance of your teeth, but their success depends heavily on the health and stability of your teeth and gums. Without a strong, healthy foundation, cosmetic procedures may not achieve the desired results or could even lead to complications down the line.  

Here’s why functional dental care should come first: 

  1. Preventing further damage: Treating cavities, gum disease, or worn enamel before cosmetic treatments ensures that these issues don’t worsen over time, potentially undermining the cosmetic work. 

  1. Enhancing durability: Restorative work, like fillings or crowns, reinforces the structural integrity of your teeth, making them able to support cosmetic enhancements. 

  1. Optimising the look of your smile: Cosmetic treatments look their best when performed on a clean and healthy canvas. For instance, teeth whitening is far more effective on teeth that are free from plaque and tartar. 

  1. Promoting long-term success: By addressing functional concerns first, you’re investing in a smile that not only looks great but also stands the test of time. 

What are the different types of functional dental treatments? 

Your dentist may recommend a range of functional treatments to improve the overall condition of your oral health before you begin cosmetic treatment. This could include: 

  • Fillings and restorative work: Addressing cavities and damaged teeth strengthens the structure and prepares them for procedures like bonding or veneers. 

  • Gum disease treatment: Healthy gums provide a stable foundation for cosmetic treatments and reduce risks of complications. 

  • Tooth replacement: Restoring missing teeth with implants or bridges ensures a balanced and complete smile for further enhancements. 

Maintaining the results of your cosmetic treatment  

After you’ve had any restorative or functional dental work completed and your oral health is in the best condition possible, you should be able to proceed with cosmetic treatments.  

Once your cosmetic treatment is complete, maintaining good oral hygiene and attending regular check-ups is crucial to preserving your new smile. A consistent oral health routine will help keep your teeth and gums healthy and keep treatments such as composite bonding and teeth whitening looking their best. 

If you have any questions about maintaining your smile post-treatment, contact your mydentist practice for advice and guidance.  

Transform your smile with mydentist 

It’s easy to see cosmetic dental treatments as a quick fix, as they can immediately improve the appearance of your smile. However, at the heart of every successful smile makeover is a commitment to good oral health.  

Functional dental care lays the groundwork for achieving the best possible results with cosmetic treatments. By prioritising treatments like hygiene appointments, fillings, and gum care, you’re setting yourself up for a smile that’s not only beautiful but also healthy. 

If you’re considering cosmetic dentistry, speak to your dentist about any functional treatments you might need beforehand. Together, you can create a personalised treatment plan that addresses your unique needs and helps you achieve the confident smile you’ve always wanted. If you're new to mydentist and looking for a practice, find your local mydentist practice today. Or, browse our comprehensive treatment offering or find more information about mydentist at www.mydentist.co.uk.       

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