
Exam success for our Student Dental Nurses

The {my}dentist Academy are delighted to announce that 96% of our student dental nurses passed their recent practical/OSCE exam. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this was the first time the practical exam was delivered virtually, so for so many of our students to pass is an amazing achievement.

In total, 105 students sat the exam with 101 passing and are now therefore newly qualified dental nurses. Congratulations to those who passed, and for those who didn’t pass, we will be supporting them in the coming months to ensure they pass their re-sit.

The 96% pass rate is once again higher than other training providers in the dental market proving once again that the {my}dentist Academy and its students are ‘best-in class’.


At mydentist we have a busy schedule of online and face-to-face CPD designed to support clinicians and dental nurses in developing their careers. We partner with industry experts to deliver training in a range of diverse topics. Colleagues who currently work at mydentist can register via the mydentist academy. The online webinars available for external clinicians can be accessed here:

Online webinars with mydentist on eventbright