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Ruby’s dreams come true with new bunk beds from mydentist!

mydentist has made a young Cornish girl’s dreams come true after she entered our Make a Wish competition at the end of last year.

We invited children all from over the country to tell us their greatest wish while they were at the dentist’s. Hundreds of children from all over the UK entered but it was Ruby, eight, who stood out to our judges.

make-a-wish-imageRuby asked for bunk beds and a toy box for her bedroom when she entered the competition at our practice in Bodmin.

We were thrilled to deliver and set up the new furniture for her in time for her returning from school. Practice manager Jayne Spencer was on hand to present Ruby with her gifts and make sure she was perfectly comfy.

Jayne said: “We encouraged all of our younger patients to enter the competition so it was fantastic that Ruby won. Her expression when she saw her new beds was priceless. Bunk beds are a dream for lots of kids and it’s been lovely to make it come true for Ruby.”

Laura Williams, Ruby’s aunty, says: “When Ruby heard about the competition she knew exactly what she’d like. It’s wonderful that she was able to get her wish. She has been telling everyone about her brand new beds and inviting all of her friends to stay over.”


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