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mydentist, Platt Lane, Fallowfield Dentist in Manchester

Meet the team at mydentist, Platt Lane, Fallowfield

Your practice team

  • Emma Kielty Practice Manager

    GDC No: 241294

Your clinicians

  • Srivalli Peketi
    Srivalli Peketi GDP Qualified from: Statutory Exam 2012 BDS Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences 2003 GDC No: 242277

    Ms Srivalli Peketi has been practising dentistry in the UK since 2009. Since then, Ms Peketi worked in various hospitals as a house officer in the department of Oral surgery for over three years. While working at Gloucestershire Royal Hospitals Ms Srivalli Peketi has been awarded Membership of Royal College of surgeons of Edinburgh (MFDS RSC Ed) after passing their examinations in 2010. Having done her memberships Ms Peketi moved on to general dentistry as associate dentist in Hampshire. While working as associate dentist Ms Peketi attained her Post graduate diploma from University of Bristol and continues her academic zeal towards gaining Masters. Ms Peketi's special interest lies in attempting to save teeth by performing endodontic procedures and always desires to provide the best possible dental care to her patients. Apart from profession Ms Peketi is a mother of two children aged 8 and 5 years and supports her husband who is a busy health care professional. Ms Peketi is an accomplished Indian classical singer with various accolades.

  • Anju Narayanan Nair
    Anju Narayanan Nair GDP GDC No: 277497
  • Asma Haghegh
    Asma Haghegh GDP GDC No: 282038
  • Saba Al-Mahmod
    Saba Al-Mahmod GDP GDC No: 286814
  • Vandana Abbas
    Vandana Abbas GDP GDC No: 288576

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